Monday, August 25, 2008

Patience Is A Virtue

3hours 15mins.

Yes. For 3 hours 15mins, I queued.

From 1530 to 1845.

For what?

Nike Human Race Pack Collection.

This is by far the longest amount of time I've ever queued to obtain my race pack. Standard Chartered was around half an hour with so many more times the number of participants. Sundown Marathon was even shorter at 10mins. New Balance Real Run, around 5 mins. This one's the ultimate. Never in my whole life have I ever queued so long just to receive my race pack. The queue was horrendously long. Its as long as the race itself man! What made it worse? I was ALONE and HAD NOTHING TO DO. Yes no books or notes to read. No one to talk to. The only thing that probably kept me occupied was reading the papers from the person in front of me. Oh and thinking and pitying the number of people who were behind me probably kept me motivated.

One could also say it was more like a reflection period for myself. Thinking of school and how it has been. School work and life as a student came zipping past my mind. Personal relationships made the bulk of it though. Den was accomodation in school and whether I could choke up ample amount of points to secure a room next year. Work work and more work filled my mind. Scarryy... But whats life without a little stress? Stress makes life more interesting. Though I wouldn't really mind a smooth sailing life, career, relationship and so on. But hey some people just don't have the luck and I'm one of em. So lan lan suck thumb I guess! Shit happens, life goes on. Nothing much you can do but just work work and work harders each time I guess.

Well lots of stuff in my head.
Its starting to fill up.
Hopefully useful stuff is in it.

Back the practicing maths for quiz.


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