Friday, March 09, 2007


I'm back. Lots of stuff happen. Undoubtly bad stuff larh. Where else can bad stuff happen? Sigh.

Everyone is fighting. Everyone is fighting hard. Everyone is fighting real bad for it NOT to happen. I seriously hate the upper management now. Making decisions on their own without consulting us. Then making hasty generalisation, no or should i say making decision straight and lying without blinking their eyes. Insensitive and self centred these people are. Especially the one with the appointment that starts with a big fat "O" and ends with a "C" which stands for cockanaden. Selfish. So me and Kian jump the chain and went straight to our boss and told him lots of stuff he should know and how ungrateful the workers felt and the morale of the guys. Hopefully that will be our first step to "ge ming".

Its WAR now.


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