Friday, February 29, 2008

This Week In Brief

Monday- Work-Excercise-Study-Sleep
Tuesday- Work-Excercise-Study-Sleep
Thursday- Work-Excercise-Study-Sleep
Friday- Work-Excercise-Study-Sleep

Thats the routine of my everyday life. Pretty mundane hur? Thats what you get when you enter the working life I guess. 1/2 of your day is taken up by work leaving you with pretty much very little time to do what you set yourself to do.

Well its been quite a "happening week" I would say.

Drove the car on Sunday to my granny's place. As I was reversing out, I accidently scratched the car next to mine. There wasn't any visible dent, just a minor scratch on the car. Thinking it was a no biggie, I corrected my driving and drove off upon my mum's instructions.
Who in the world would expect a law abiding citizen of Tampines to jot down the my car plate number and left it on the car's windscreen. And the owner of the vehical went to make a police report. Crap! Thats like straight 12 points deduction. I could have gotten my licence revoked larh! Luckily my dad managed to convince the owner to settle the matter without involving the police. Since both vehicles shared the same insurance company, my dad didn't have to pay a single cent for the repair cost. Just counter claim from our insurance. Can't believe I am that suay larh. Well now you know. New drivers beware! If you ever get yourself caught in such situation, be sure to leave your contact to the "victim" and settle the matter without involving the police. Cos once the police is involved, it's straight 12 pts deduction to the losing party. And you lose big time cos that involves revoking your licence. Bleagh!

Injured my index finger. I have a habit when closing car doors, my hand will follow through the motion till the door is gently shut. I guess thats one habit picked up from NS due to the nature of our job. And so, as I was pushing the front door shut, Anna closed the back door quicky. Thus resulting in my index finger getting stucked. Ouch! Yes it hurt real bad. The whole tip was swollen. Anna felt so bad she rushed to the wards to get me a pack of ice. I must say that really helped ease the pain. Luckily it was just internal bleeding(aka bruising).

Well I'm started to run a bit more these days. Pushing the tempo up with each progessive run and emphasizing lots on the running techniques - the high knees and strides. Hopefully I will be able to attain my IPPT Gold Fitness soon enough. Fitness now is only Silver standard. I gotta push more. Need more speed straining and sprint training to boost my fitness. Thats the part I hate =(. But thats the one training that is most effective in achieving my target. Oh wells.

Till next week...


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